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7 years

Big Data & Privacy - Part 1

The use of internet browsing data to profile a possible customer facilitates instant appearance of Ads. It is a double-edged sword. The consumer does not have to go and search for what they need, rather everything they need is brought to their attention. On the other hand, it is also a constant bombardment of ads that may no longer be relevant, or just take up too much of your attention, when you are trying to do something else. This is the new reality in the age of digital transformation.

7 years

Harnessing the Power of Social Media

There are many enduring questions. The fast pace of life doesn’t give us a break to take a few steps back and to contemplate on those questions. Wisdom is disappearing from our lives; it is turning into quotes from highly successful people; those that have made it in monetary terms. The thicker their wallet, the greater the wisdom attributed to the hollow words they disseminate.

7 years

Master Social Media Engagement

Social media is all the buzz media. Facebook has 2 billion monthly active users, and generates significant revenue from people browsing and interacting with content in a vertically scrollable list. A feed, so to speak, of posts and information. Realistically, Facebook is only the leader in this race, but there are many more participants.

7 years

Hashing: From Signing to Mining

The process of mining bitcoins is similar to a lottery. Bitcoin miners are competing to produce hashes—alphanumeric strings of fixed length that are calculated from data of an arbitrary length. They are producing the hashes from a combination of three pieces of data: New blocks of Bitcoin transactions; the last block on the blockchain; and a random number. In this article, we will analyse hashing and the digital signature process to understand their use past Bitcoin transaction verification alone. 

7 years

The Next Generation of AR

Augmented Reality is becoming a genuine reality. Several corporations have placed big bets on AR's capabilities to continue to transform human interaction with the digital world, which is still in its early years, but it is growing. 

7 years

The Innovator's Dillema

Over the last year I've had the pleasure of getting an in depth understanding of the product development process at a small startup (just under 4 years old). I've had the chance to get involved in Design Sessions, Market Segmentation, User Journey, Minimum Viable Products (MVP), Unique Selling Propositions (USP) and Value Propositions.

7 years

Should the Ripple be purchased now?

Bitcoin’s share of the crypto universe has dwindled from 93% in 2013 to 47% this year, as many new crypto-currencies have entered the market. 

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