More in Technology

5 years

Coming UnTethered

Tether may or may not be backed by dollars, but nobody seems to care anymore.

5 years

Top 5 Lightroom Mobile Presets You Need to Change Your Instagram Feed

Technology has changed the way we click pictures. Gone are the days when we had to get the negatives converted for a physical photo. Today, our smartphones have made it super-easy. Moreover, there's cloud and social media so storage of the photos isn't an issue. Editing photos has now become the prerequisite to upload them on social media. You would definitely need a photo editor that does it all. We can only think of one name and that is Adobe Lightroom.

5 years

Holographic Augmented Reality is the Future of Education

With the use of holographic augmented reality (AR) in education on the rise, it won’t be long before students step into the classroom without the presence of a physical teacher.

5 years

The Use of Robots for Last-Mile Delivery

Robotics is at the leading edge of technological research being used in the world. Robots are being used everywhere from carrying out simple household work to even delivering products by delivery robots.

5 years

Can Chatbots Take Aviation to New Heights?

Machine learning is revolutionizing the organizational structure of many industries. An airline chatbot is one such revolution brought by machine learning in the aviation industry.

5 years

Virtual Reality is the Future of Law Enforcement Training

Police departments all over the world are adopting advanced methods to maintain law and order. Virtual reality police training systems can be utilized for advanced training purposes without exposing officials to real-world risks.

5 years

4 Things Your IT Department Must Do to Help You Succeed

Your IT department has an essential role in the success of your company. From increasing overall security to staying up to date with all of the latest developments, these professionals know everything there is to know about the technological tools that can help your entire company thrive. To ensure that your IT department is an asset to your business, it needs to be doing its job as effectively as possible. Here are some key things that the IT experts at your company need to do to allow you and your employees to succeed.

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