More in Technology

6 years

The Evolution of Blockchain

Bitcoin and the first blockchain innovation came into existence for over a decade. They were created with the idea of providing an easier platform to transfer value between two parties, without the need of a third-party. Blockchain has been a revolutionary innovation ever since its inception widely used across multiple industries.

6 years

Big Data to Speed up the Production of Sustainable Energy

We are actively leveraging different sources of renewable energy on a daily basis. Sun, wind, and water are some of the common sources of renewable energy. Even though there are numerous benefits of using sustainable energy, it comes with its own set of problems. The problems associated with sustainable energy have mostly got to do with the distribution mechanism and the cost involved.

6 years

This is How Deep Learning Can Transform the Transportation Sector

The application of deep learning in transportation is expected to plug out some of the oldest and most stubborn problems affecting the sector’s overall performance.

6 years

How Will Developers Benefit From Android P?

Android P is Google’s most ambitious iteration in years of the Android platform and offers tons of features for improving UX and device optimization.

6 years

How to Successfully Manage an Offshore Team

Over years I have seen a lot of companies struggle to have a cultural fit with a remote team. The remote team could be an offshore or nearshore team in a vendor place or in its own subsidiary. I thought of writing this article to share some of the experiences, it is not a comprehensive list as I could write a book on it and still be left out with some of my thoughts.

6 years

Japan’s Toxic Overtime Culture Shows Why Technology Can’t Fix Us

We were told that technology would fix it. In 1930 John Maynard Keynes predicted that the work week would need to be reduced to 15 hours in response to improved productivity from automation. It hasn’t worked out that way. Things certainly have gotten better. Economies have grown, standards of living have increased, workplaces have become safer, but we are working more than ever.

6 years

How Traditional Banks Can Keep up with FinTechs

The digitization of financial services and the threatening emergence of fintechs is prompting chief information officers (CIOs) to find digital revenue opportunities for banks and other traditional financial institutions. 

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