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6 years

5 Questions you Must ask Before IoT Deployment in Your Enterprise

Asking and answering the right questions before enterprise level IoT deployment will help make the process free of dilemmas and allow organizations to set realistic expectations right from the beginning.

6 years

9 ECommerce Mistakes that Immediately Need to stop!

Finding it difficult to keep up with your e-commerce store sales and profit margins? We don’t blame you.

6 years

Global Startup Ecosystem Report 2018

Startup Genome published the Global Startup Ecosystem Report for 2018 recently and I wanted to quickly summarise some of the key findings. 

6 years

Gone Fishing, My Break from Social Media

I’ve been given a gift over the next 5 weeks from my employer Adobe. Its not money, a promotion, or a traditional gift you might think of, but rather the gift of time. After 5 years of working at Adobe each employee is offered a 4 week sabbatical. A time to unwind, relax, and focus on the true things outside of work that bring us joy. The office also has a customary week shutdown during the week of 4th of July, so that gives me 5 weeks to spend with my family.

6 years

Bully Culture

In the couple of years since the election of 2016 there have been thousands of articles about the big cultural shift towards the empowered Heartland workers, the agrarian salt of the earth types, the good Christian, the coal miner. These visual essays as often as not are cinematically wrapped in sweeping panoramic vistas of golden waves of corn, purple mountains majesty, stallions rearing and bald eagles soaring.

6 years

3 Factors you Must Keep in Mind to Create a Successful Digital Workplace

Creating a successful digital workplace should involve a focus on employee-centred user experience, seamless information sharing, and citizen development support.

6 years

Artificial Intelligence Isn’t the Problem … Greed Is

Make this simple. The issue about the future of work is not about robots (or artificial intelligences) replacing human beings. It is about income security. Most people, when pressed, would be perfectly happy to not have to wake up every day, spend an hour on the road each way fighting traffic, deal with office politics or rude people or insane deadlines.

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