More in Technology

6 years

A Quick Rundown on the GDPR Changes You Must Make to your Website

The European Union’s pledge to make its citizens’ digital life much more secure and devoid of data breaches has brought GDPR or General Data Protection Regulations to existence.

6 years

Demystifying Public Cloud

We are living in a world where data center breaches are in the headlines almost every month. This is why several corporate organizations avoid the public cloud due to fears around data security. The benefits a company gets from the cloud are extensive.

6 years

Netflix for the Gym - the Future of Fitness Trackers

Fitness trackers are so yesterday. With new AR/VR technologies, smart clothing and implants the humble FitBit may ultimately become as defunct as the VCR.

6 years

Blockchain to become the Cure for Piracy

Blockchain for copyright protection works towards reducing piracy and ensuring there is no infringement on legal rights for any piece of work.

6 years

Artificial Intelligence and Education

Artificial intelligence (AI) in education can help both students and teachers explore unprecedented opportunities.

6 years

How To Build A Smart Data Hub

There’s a concept that’s been floating around from the realm of Big Data called a “data lake”. Now, personally, this is a remarkably misleading term, as it implies that data is like a liquid that flows, rather than the representations of people, businesses, contracts, books, widgets and anything else that can be represented as entities of some sort. You can’t dip a glass into a data lake and get some data. As metaphors go, it’s wrong in very nearly every way, and when dealing with virtual content, metaphor is astonishingly real.

6 years

The Gig Economy: License to Exploit

Frederick Taylor has a lot to answer for. The father of "efficiency management", Taylor made a name for himself in the early twentieth century by consulting with companies, offering his services to improve a new metric that he had devised called "productivity". He would go onto factory floors with stopwatches and clipboards and would record exactly how long it took a given laborer to accomplish a given task. He would then take the best of these measurements and declare that this was where his factory workers should be producing at, proceeding to remove all "unnecessary" breaks or downtime for those workers.

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