More in Technology

6 years

Big Data and Organizational Culture

The impact of leveraging big data in your organization could prove to be a boon or a bane.

6 years

Big Data Utopia – a Myth or Reality?

Big data utopia can become a reality if an organization leverages analytics to streamline its processes. If big data utopia becomes a reality, it holds the potential to transform multiple industries.

6 years

Artificial Intelligence, Trust and Consumers

Building trust in artficial intelligence (AI) is vital to promote the adoption of the technology. In the digital era, where there is an unstoppable increase in smartphone usage, consumers are empowered to buy anything at any given time.

6 years

Ratings, Recommendations and Big Data

Analysing ratings and recommendations by using big data helps determine the possibility of a customer repaying debt, buying a good or service, or the fate of a movie at the box office.

6 years

Artificial Intelligence and the Travel Industry

Artificial intelligence (AI) is transforming the travel industry by offering the best deals to customers as well as accelerating growth. The rapid development in AI has made almost all industries curious about this technology.

6 years

Give Your Data a Bath: Ingesting SQL as RDF

In the era of Big Data, data quality - or how clean the data is - inevitably floats to the surface. Data scientists typically refer to data as dirty when it has a number of basic flaws:

6 years

The Rule of One

I'm going to put my geek hat on for a bit. Over the course of the last couple of months I've been exploring semantic modeling from the standpoint of "context-free" design - where I've been looking for patterns that seem to hold true regardless of what the data topic itself. One pattern that I feel comfortable now identifying is "The Rule of One", or put another way "Ted Codd was right".

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