More in Technology

6 years

Big Data Fresh from the Space

Data’s become such a precious resource for every business that sky is quite literally the limit! Space data is all set to furnish new learnings to highly analytical business lines.

6 years

Use Big Data to Act and not React

When organizations have a huge bulk of information at their hands, quick actions will assist them in reaping greater benefits. Proactive planning can help organizations quickly analyze the information at their disposal, rather than wait and react later.

6 years

The Power of Push Notifications

Browser push notifications are the perfect addition to your digital marketing campaign. They literally get your message on a phone, tablet or computer screen instantaneously. It is the hottest technique in digital marketing to get your target audience easily on your website.

6 years

Best E-Learning Resources for Business Professionals on the Internet!

One of the most fundamental ways of taking a profound control over your business is to understand its various aspects and to understand them well. Something, that is only possible if you keep your knowledge head to head with the hurrying time. So even if you have a billion-dollar company or you are just getting started; you will always find the need to continuously expand your skill set and get better at what you do.

6 years

Internet of All Things

Dataism declares that the universe consists of data flows, and the value of any phenomenon or entity is determined by its contribution to the data processing.

6 years

The Dark Side of Japan’s Customer Service

The Japanese commitment to customer service is legendary, but it has a dark side as well. We Westerners are usually taken aback when we first encounter it, but it is something that most Japanese have simply grown to accept.

6 years

Chatbots Replacing FAQ & Customer Service

Whether it is on mobile or desktop, you should have already noticed a lot of chat-bot integration for fun on messaging applications or for customer relationship management. By 2020, most of the digital interactions will be with voice chatbots, which will be integrated with machine learning & artificial intelligence on the background to serve better output. Level 1 customer service helpdesks will mostly cease to exist.

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