More in Technology

6 years

Here is Why We Actually Need a Foldable Phone

While foldable phone display technology may seem gimmicky, it has the potential to add real business and economic value.

6 years

Can Technology Solve America’s Homelessness Problem?

One of the highlights of SXSW this past week was a cool 3D printer capable of creating a $4,000 3D printed house in 12-24 hours, a fraction of the time it takes for new construction. Creators of the printer plan to use it build a community of 100 homes for residents in El Salvador next year. Click here to watch a cool video of the 3D printer printing the home.

6 years

Blockchain and Environment

Experts who have been following the blockchain technology closely are now predicting that it can save the environment. In this article, you will discover how.

6 years

Retail Banking 2020

The face of the banking industry is constantly changing. Retail banking 2020 is a move to prepare the retail wing of banking for the macro trends that will impact the banking sector in the next few years.

6 years

The Age of Loyalty Programs Is Ending

I can just remember a time when airlines only had a business class and an economy class. Now, it will often take five minutes for a gate attendant at most airports to rattle through all the permutations of Silver, Gold, Platinum, Double Platinum, Uranium, Plutonium and Mithril flyers to let them know that they can in fact take the left hand lane with the red carpet rather than right hand lane with the plain carpet to get their gears stowed first.

6 years

Data Scientists to Defraud Fraudsters

Confronting frauds and fraudsters is unarguably one of the most important and urgent strategic challenges every organization faces today. Fraud is no longer an occasional outlier arising from the incidental mistake from a compliance standpoint. It has taken a centre stage as it had begun to strike from multiple channels and routes thanks to technological advancements enabling ease of access.

6 years

Moats, Boats & Bridges – A $1 Billion Innovation Roadmap

It is probable that every man at Shoptalk (and every man reading this article) owns some of our product. We’re Randa, the world’s largest men’s accessories company... and most of you have never heard of us.

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