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6 years

On Stockchain, Trust, and Tesla

The new buzz word of the last five years is disruption. We have seen AirBnB change the way the travel industry is viewed, Uber and Lyft change the way we get around, and Amazon continues to increase our expectations in retail. What might disruption in the financial industry look like? It starts and ends with blockchain.

6 years

BlockChain, AI, and Quantum Computing Dunkirk Style Key to 2018

The movie Dunkirk follows the heroic actions of many leading up to saving thousands of troops stuck on the Dunkirk beach in France. The events are played out in 1 week, 1 day, and 1 hour formats and create a unique look at what transpired. As the new year approaches you will no doubt be bombarded by reports focused around “new trends” or “emerging tech”. This year consider a Dunkirk style approach as we go into 2018 by focusing on how my three top topics below can fit into your first month, first quarter, and the entire year of tech focus as a company.

6 years

3 Benefits of Cloud Tech – Anywhere, Anybody, Anytime

The digital age is upon us, and those who do not embrace this change will most likely not survive. From brick-and-mortar shops under threat from e-commerce, to even banks and other financial services competing with mobile banking, there’s no denying that technology is fast-evolving and businesses need to keep up before they get labelled obsolete. One of these key areas that should be adapted is operations, with the assistance of cloud tech.

6 years

How Cloud Accelerates the Internet of Thing's Need for Speed

In the Internet of Things (IoT) space, pain points vary widely across industries. IoT technology for enabling a smart city has very different dynamics and ramifications than the technology needed to make a smart watch for example. Regulatory hurdles for a government project may take a decade to address, whereas a consumer product could go through multiple generations of changes in one percent of those timeframes. Adoption rates for IoT also vary widely – with retail, consumer products, and manufacturing leading the way, and financial services, natural resources, and education taking longer to adopt. 

6 years

The Rise of the Modern Manufacturing CFO

The role of CFO at innovative product companies has quickly evolved from “bean counter” to powerful agent of change and business leader. In manufacturing's past, the role of the CFO has been limited to accounting practices, such as ensuring company compliance with financial reporting and control requirements — rather than any direct involvement in specific IT strategic initiatives.

6 years

Listen to Your Customers

Here’s a connect-the-dots exercise. Design-focused companies have outperformed the S&P 500 index by 228 percent in the last decade. Salesforce, which offers the most intuitive, highly configurable CRM SaaS solution on the market, grows 25% year over year. In a recent CNN product design survey, two of the top ten product designs in the last century — according to design experts — were from Apple, a company soon to be worth a trillion dollars.

6 years

How Smart Manufacturers Get "Exotic Personalities" to Collaborate Nicely

A few months ago, I wrote an article about the dangers a company faces when one of its employees raves about Olive Garden. The issue isn’t that the Olive Garden lover is a problem employee — it’s that anyone tarred with the “Olive Garden lover” brush will unfairly get thrown under the bus when failures arise in a manufacturing company’s supply chain.

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