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6 years

5 IoT Trends You Cannot Miss in 2018

IoT connects all objects to interact with each other using a wireless protocol to add seamless connectivity in human life. In 2018, some exciting IoT trends await us.

6 years

Transforming Risk Management with Predictive Analytics

Every task involves some amount of risk, and companies focus on managing these risks in a way so that they can avoid these threats and minimize the losses that ensue. Businesses are transforming risk management to avoid these losses.

6 years

How Mobile Apps Help you Increase Returns and Customers?

The smartphone addiction is getting stronger and more companies are aware of consumers' addiction to their handsets.After the web and print, mobile phones are the next platform for businesses to explore. The astronomical growth of smartphones and the number of things they can do, have opened up new gates of opportunities for companies to engage with their customers.

6 years

IoT - Striking that Balance between Security and Convenience

While IoT has made everything smart, it has also opened up a Pandora’s box of security holes. Developers are finding it difficult in maintaining security while providing convenience to their device users.

6 years

5 Technologies Reshaping the Manufacturing Industry

Reshaping manufacturing is a necessity in the times of digitization and technological supremacy. Manufacturing has played a vital role in the global growth of the economy, since the 19th century.

6 years

Blockchain and Postal Services

One single example of the application of blockchain and the benefits that followed are enough to trigger curiosity for several other fields to follow. Traditional postal service is, interestingly enough, one of the oldest ways of transporting our parcels from one part of the country to another. Being the oldest means of transportation for mail and money, postal services have been known to all households. So why are we suddenly talking about the application of blockchain in postal services?

6 years

What is Driving the Internet of Things?

The advancements in information and the expansion of technology are the key forces driving IoT. The last time when the world witnessed a path breaking innovation was in the year 1995. Cell phones introduced in that year facilitated a global technological shift. Then came along the Internet, which changed the way we acquire information, by speeding up the process drastically.

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