More in Technology

6 years

The Importance of Competitive Intelligence

As businesses strive to become pioneers in their respective fields, smart insights could prove helpful in this pursuit. Competitive intelligence lends that helping hand to your aspirations.

6 years

Internet of Things and Information Governance

Information governance will enable enterprises to utilize IoT to its maximum potential. Organizations tend to underestimate data and its governance. With the rise of IoT, interconnected devices are generating data like never before!

6 years

How Big Data Can Cause Negativity

If there are pros to big data, there are cons too. The negative impact of big data is subtly hidden in the trail of digital traces we unknowingly leave.

6 years

UX is the Answer. What was the Question Though?

You’ve probably heard the oft-repeated jargon "UX", you may even know that it stands for "User Experience"– but do you understand what it really means?

6 years

Lies, Damn Lies and Statistics

I took exception last week to an artcile published on Bloomberg offering another zombie rushing into the "Retail Apocalypse" with this lead:

6 years

What I Should Have Said, But Didn’t

Last week, in Las Vegas, during the largest fashion industry trade show, MAGIC/PROJECT, I delivered the keynote presentation for the YMA Fashion Scholarship Fund and UBM Advanstar. It was entitled, “Disruption is the Mother of Invention.” 

6 years

Profound Insights from Everyday Data!

In this day and age, almost every business is toying with the idea of “Big Data”, i.e. taking on vast volumes of data, surveying them using complex algorithms & predicting outcomes based on the past patterns. Everyone from Amazon and Google to presidential candidates are successfully using Big Data to further their missions - whether it is to precisely target prospective customers or to win elections!

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