The concept of niche is straight; five football fans are easier to woo than all of America. From beauty products to fitness accessories, niche businesses target concentrated attention that is much more likely to convert over distracted attention with random interests.
SAP has launched its Leonardo platform as the new digital innovation system that delivers software and microservices, helping customers leverage technologies such as the IoT (internet of things), machine learning (machine learning), blockchain, and big data. Initially launched as a platform to support just the internet of things, SAP has tried to take it a notch above by bundling the latest technologies and services into a single intelligent platform.
With all the hype around “blockchain”, I was thinking the other day that people are starting to get blockchain fatigue. The term itself has been heavily overexposed – and it’s probably not the best time to write another blockchain article, right?
Due to its deep learning and independent decision-making capabilities, artificial intelligence (AI) is expanding in different business areas.
“Your entrepreneurial journey doesn’t begin with your first start-up but your first job.” It’s a widely evident fact that more entrepreneurs are born out of 9-to-5 jobs than upstreet business schools. A fact that aspiring entrepreneurs don’t acknowledge so well.
Nobody starts out wanting to be a bad leader. Yet, in research we conducted, more than 50% of respondent rated their leader as being below average based on success and effectiveness.
Suppose that jobs went away. Not all jobs, mind you, but many, perhaps upwards of 90%. Some of those are in hard-manual labor territory, like coal mining. Some are in the services industry such as driving a taxi. Some are in high tech, like programming. Not a few will be in areas such as sales and management, politics or journalism. What happens next?