More in Technology

6 years

Blockchain Can Transform the Retail Business

Blockchain in the retail industry can help companies to streamline operations, secure transactions, and efficiently manage information.

6 years

Augmented Reality and Traffic Management

The application of augmented reality (AR) in traffic management could reduce the amount of time spent in a traffic jam. Apart from this, AR can also empower traffic authorities in numerous ways.

6 years

What is Design Thinking and Why You Must Introduce your Organization to it

Understanding design thinking and applying it on an organizational level as a tool for transformation can create radical changes in your business and help you become an industrial pioneer.

6 years

3 Important Digital Marketing Basics

Marketing is inevitable. Digital marketing, especially, is something that most brands can’t look away from if they want to make it big in today’s highly digital world. If you are a start up, a business owner or a self-employed freelancer, digital marketing is the tool you need to bring in to boost your conversion rates.

6 years

Big Data And The Future of Agriculture

Over the last decade, through deployment of different kinds of sensors, regulators, and controller devices, there are data collection points all over an agricultural field.

6 years

Leveraging the Power of Big Data for Oil & Gas industry

Big data is changing the oil and gas industry by easing out the process of producing oil, ensuring employee safety, and other operations at the same time.

6 years

The Most Common Misconceptions about Blockchain

It is understandable for an emerging and disruptive technology like blockchain to be mired in misconceptions. This article unlocks the most common misconceptions around blockchain.

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