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6 years

A Vision Being Realized

Six years ago, when I heard Justin Uberti of Google announce (*) that Real Time Communications could be executed in the Chrome Browser, I had a vision. This new technology would allow users to communicate from one browser to another; a new form of business communication was possible. Stand-alone voice and video would be a thing of the past; the Skype’s of this world would be used for social chitchat. Old heavyweight legacy videoconferencing systems, from companies such as Polycom and Cisco, would die away.

6 years

Gillette Turns up the Heat in the Shaving Wars

With increased competition from the likes of Dollar Shave Club and Harry's, Gillette have veered away from the affordability trend and decided to focus on a premium product with their new $150 Heated Razor.

6 years

Why Companies Are Failing to Reach Millennials

It’s no secret – Millennials are a very different generation. We enjoy challenging the status quo, doing things that don’t make us “cool,” and finding innovative and creative ways to solve problems. We are not seeking wealth. We are seeking impact. It’s not that there is, or was, something wrong with previous generations – we simply take pride in standing out and chasing new heights. Not only that – we are living in what I call, “the on-demand content” era. Amid the maturity and growth stages of our lives, we were able to get just about anything we wanted, within minutes. This type of instant gratification – created a level of expectation as we got older.

6 years

4 Signs You're on Your Way to Being a Toxic Boss

Imagine being physically and mentally disturbed by the thought of walking into work. This is the reality for too many employees, and it primarily stems from the incapable leaders they work under every day. These leaders treat others poorly, placing far too much emphasis on their own well-being. Their lethargic attitude about their role is directly and detrimentally linked to the growth potential of their team.

6 years

Create a Dynamic Strategic Plan that Engages the Enterprise

Having a strategic plan is a vital aspect of any successful organization. Unfortunately, most organizations have strategic plans that are really financial plans in disguise.

6 years

5 Effective Tips to Write Small Business Marketing Blogs

Small businesses have sprung up and will continue to increase in number as the world sees more startups, entrepreneurs and business ideas. In order to earn huge profits they require multi-pronged marketing strategies and business marketing blog is one of them. It is nothing but a technique or methods that allow people to know about their company and brand.

6 years

Homing in on Hosur Road, Bengaluru

Hosur Road in South Bengaluru essentially covers locations such as Begur, Kudlu Gate, Singasandra and Electronic City. Major factors contributing to its growth are:

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