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3 years

How Artificial Intelligence Can Bridge the Communication Gap in Recruitment

The use of AI in recruitment will help bridge the communication gap between recruiters and candidates and provide a more enhanced experience to both, eventually leading to improved hiring.

3 years

How Flexible Are You?

This pandemic is teaching us is that, despite our well-defined goals and best efforts, the future will not always play out the way we planned.

3 years

What Are The Top Skills That Make A Great Leader?

Skill development is a never-ending process.

3 years

How to Become a Great Leader

When I was in college I wanted to be a professional golfer.

3 years

Avoid High Modernism - Get Comfortable With Complexity in Agile Transformations

All the state simplifications that we have examined have the character of maps. That is, they are designed to summarize precisely those aspects of a complex world that are of immediate interest to the map- maker and to ignore the rest. To complain that a map lacks nuance and detail makes no sense unless it omits information necessary to its function. A city map that aspired to represent every traffic light, every pot- hole, every building, and every bush and tree in every park would threaten to become as large and as complex as the city that it depicted.’ And it certainly would defeat the purpose of mapping, which is to abstract and summarize. A map is an instrument designed for a purpose. We may judge that purpose noble or morally offensive, but the map it- self either serves or fails to serve its intended use.

3 years

Rebuilding After a Global Pandemic? Use Honesty, Integrity and Trust Your Ability to Deliver

Global lockdowns, a dangerous virus, a tumultuous election, social distancing and masks versus no masks; 2020 was an uncertain year to say the least. With the diverse set of issues we faced having lost our sense of normalcy, one that affected everyone was an unfamiliar breach of trust.

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