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6 years

To See the Future, Think Both/And

Whenever a new game-changing technology is introduced, our instinct is to assume that the current technology we are using will quickly become obsolete and will vanish from our use.

6 years

5 Tips for Branding your Small Business

Several brands, both national and multinational, have created a very competitive market that has led to the demand of branding for small businesses. Branding is “what your customers perceive of you” right from your product, image, reputation, design and the way you talk about your products or services.

6 years

Six Reasons Why Innovation Teams Fail

Once you have identified a great idea for a new product or service innovation what do you do? Many firms put together a cross-functional team (XFT) and tell them to bring the product to market. It seems like a good approach. They have budget, people, and empowerment. What could possibly go wrong? Lots of things. Here are six common reasons why XFTs fail to deliver.

6 years

The Marks of a True Leader

“True Leaders don’t create followers, they create more leaders.” 

6 years

5 Key Features of a Small Business Website

In today’s fast-paced world, small businesses are experiencing a phenomenal growth. A website for your small business acts as a marketing tool and makes it easy for your audience to access your business online, from anywhere in the world at any time!

6 years

Three of the Most Common Misconceptions about Sales Funnels

The word "funnel" is used all over the place and my clients are constantly asking for advice about building a funnel...the only problem is that there's a lot of misconceptions about what a funnel is and what it does and more importantly how to build one.

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