More in Companies

5 years

How German Businesses Prioritise Health and Safety in the Workplace

Whilst some individuals and companies continue to underestimate the importance of health and safety in the workplace, it should be noted that more than 30 million productivity days were lost as a result of work-related illness and injury in 2017/18.

5 years

What's Stressing Us Out?

Global stress levels are rising, but why are we more stressed than ever before? A recent survey revealed that 90% of Indians feel stressed, while 55% of Americans experience stress on a daily basis. In this guide, we’ll take a look at the most common stressors and offer some advice and guidance to help you cope. 

5 years

3 Leadership Skills You Must Master to Drive Exceptional Results

Have you ever wondered what separates average managers from good leaders? It's not raw, natural talent. No, its something much more straightforward, and the answer lies in two simple words you and everyone else has control over, work and effort.

5 years

Business Meetings: 5 Tips to Look and Feel Great

In this busy, fast-paced world it can be tough to find the time for self-love. What time we do have is spent lounging in front of the TV, trying to squeeze in some good exercise, or catching up with friends. The idea of indulging in habits that make our body feel good is like an added bonus, something we dream about but feel is out of reach. But that’s not true!

5 years

4 Of The Best Instagram Affiliate Marketing Approaches That Successful Brands Use

With Instagram affiliate marketing, you can take your business to the next level. Brand affiliates can help drive traffic to your site and generate more sales.

5 years

3 Ways to Promote your Blog on Social Media

Writing may be your passion and you may write really well. Not only that you are also highly committed and never miss a date with your blog. How good is that if you are the only one reading it?

5 years

The Cybersecurity of Banking and Finance

I’ve discussed the importance of cybersecurity in healthcare due to the extremely sensitive personal data and the loss of trust if hacked. If healthcare data and a patient’s trust is as sensitive as research shows, then it's no surprise that the banking and financial industry is in serious need for anticipatory cybersecurity and digital data protection.

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