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5 years

Steve Jobs'​ Legacy Is Our Modern Technological Revolution

It has been 8 years since Steve Jobs passed away on October 5th, 2011, from pancreatic cancer. 

5 years

Military Service Has Taught Me Gratitude

I spent this past Independence Day in Washington, D.C. celebrating our country's founding in our nation's capital as I have for almost a decade straight. However this time it was different, as I now am a uniformed officer of our nation's armed services - and with that came a fundamentally different feel for what this holiday meant holiday as well as reflections on our modern economy, work world, millennial life, and more.

5 years

The Death of the Two-Party System

If anyone had been asked five years ago to predict when the two-party system in the UK would end and what the catalyst would be it is doubtful that any serious analyst would have said 2019 and Brexit or whatever it would have been called back, then.

5 years

What is Brexit?

Brexit is far more than the quirky name given to the UK’s decision to leave the EU. It will come to mean far more than it does now as the country’s first few years following departure as Britain adopts new political, economic and social attitudes.

5 years

Captain Marvel: A Strong Step Forward For MCU, Hollywood, and America

The long cinematic drought since “Avengers: Infinity War,” with the brief comedic interloping of “Ant-Man and the Wasp,” has finally been broken with the much-hyped “Captain Marvel” starring Brie Larson, Samuel Jackson, Clark Gregg, Ben Mendelsohn, and others. After seeing it down in Richmond, Virginia on Thursday evening at one of its first showings to the public I believe viewers will find that their anticipation will be well-rewarded.

5 years

The Dark at the End of the Tunnel

For nearly three years, the entire British economy and way of life have been dominated by Brexit and what it will mean for the UK not to belong to the EU following its departure on March 29th, 2019.

5 years

Brexit: Sleepwalking Can Be Fun

Sleepwalking can be fun until you walk into a wall. How can it be that more than 600 relatively intelligent people can ignore what is staring them in the face? 

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