More in Companies

5 years

6 Proven Strategies to Massively Increase Your Hiring Rate

We only get one chance to make a first impression in life and business. People, including job seekers, are constantly bombarded with information; and we only have 5-6 seconds to capture their attention before they move onto something else.

5 years

How Is a Company’s Value Calculated?

What’s your company worth? It’s an important question that has confounded the best investors and academicians. Much like any other complex mathematical problem, the value of a company depends on a number of factors, including its earnings.

5 years

Making The Most Of Starting A Company With Limited Capabilities

There are so many concerning components of running a business, especially when it comes to the financial aspects. But when you're looking to start a business, and make significant inroads, but your resources are limited, regardless of the industry you're in, it can feel like you are wading through treacle. Starting a company with limited resources is something that can be achieved, especially with the DIY ethic of the modern-day, as well as the ability to communicate more directly to clients and customers through the internet. But what are the nuts and bolts of starting a company with limited resources?

5 years

What's Your Leadership Style?

Real frustration had set in. My team wasn't meeting my expectations. I felt like we were in quicksand and the more we struggled, the deeper we sank.

5 years

Five Leadership Limitations & Their Fixes

Here is what I have observed as to the five most common (sales) leadership limitations:

5 years

How to Use Digital Technologies to Teach Students

Today’s rapid expansion of information technologies into human life refashions the traditional approaches we take. Devised by people with bottomless creativity and boundless intelligence, IT tools streamline our lives and enable us to explore the world around more fruitfully. Infiltrating every major realm of the modern world, the technological revolution could never leave behind one of the most significant spheres of today: education. Yes, the implementation of digital innovations in teaching provides educators with cutting-edge machinery for boosting and modernizing the studying process.

5 years

Hire Great People and then Empower Them

Talking about his film, ‘To Rome with Love’, Woody Allen said, ‘I’ve got great people, and they make me look good. 

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