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5 years

The Dark Side of Instagram

In the age of the macro-influencer, picture sharing sites such Instagram are flooded with images from celebrities giving us a secret glimpse into their luxury lifestyles. However, a recent report by Competition & Markets Authority (CMA) has claimed that many of these social media stars are being disingenuous about their motivations for sharing these photos as they are being generously compensated for their shares.

5 years

'The Best A Man Can Get'​ or 'The Best Men Can Be'​ ?

A new take on the 30 year old tagline from Gillette is being trialled to help eradicate 'toxic masculinity' in the #MeToo generation.

5 years

The Top 10 movies for 2019

2018 proved to be a pretty decent year at the flicks with blockbusters like Avengers: Infinity War and Black Panther to more arthouse films such as The Shape Of Water and Three Billboards. Of course there was the usual tosh (Oceans 8 springs to mind) but overall the bar was set fairly high. So what has Hollywood got in store for you this year?

5 years

4 Tips for Physiotherapy Advertisement

Do you own a physiotherapy center? Are you looking for ways to advertise it? This is definitely the article you should be reading now. We will delve deeper about the various marketing ideas and advertising techniques you need to know, guiding you on how to plan a strategy for your physiotherapy business.

5 years

7 Failures of Business Growth

If you want to stand out in today’s marketplace, you must work smarter, not harder. This is easier said than done, however, as despite their best intentions, companies get snarled in the glaring failures that derail business growth and stagnate profits.

5 years

Why Every Leader Should Delete Facebook Today

Before you get all upset, I don’t mean delete your Facebook account entirely; just the Facebook app on your phone. I don’t think that Facebook is inherently evil. It’s a great way to keep up with the lives of family, friends, and colleagues, not to mention a fundamental tool in the marketing of many successful businesses.

5 years

Inflexion Point, February 2019

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