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6 years

What is the Need for Customer Relationship Management ?

What is CRM? If you are associated with a business, then you’ve probably heard the term “Customer Relationship Management”. Successful businesses are familiar with this term in every aspect. There are millions of registered businesses, but have you ever thought how many of them are truly reaping the benefits of customer relationship management and understand the importance of customer relationship management in their business?

6 years

What is Your Guest Blogging Strategy for 2018?

Guest blogging was a concept that caught on like wild fire some years ago. However marketers now question its advantages with every passing year. Former Googler Matt Cutts had declared guest blogging dead in 2014. This statement does not need to be taken literally. He did not mean that bloggers should not write content for outside publications, but that guest blogging to get links had been overdone.

6 years

What Technologies Employers Are Investing in for 2018 and Beyond

Although most candidates could care less about the technologies companies have in place to empower their candidate journey from before they apply to being hired on, when the tech doesn't work right, negative candidate resentment can certainly increase. Having the right technologies in place combined with sound recruiting processes and savvy talent acquisition professionals can keep employers competitive in today’s tight job market for full-time, part-time and contingent candidates.

6 years

The 4 Most Important Levels of Leadership

Most people who move into a management position get there because they were an excellent performer in their previous role. They immediately start working to create mini versions of themselves. Eventually, their team gets burnt out by trying to become something they aren't or they fail in the management role altogether.

6 years

Artificial Intelligence for Corporate Innovation

In a not so far away future, we will have to work hard on this set of questions: When will robots (artificial intelligence) become trusted members of corporate innovation teams? How will this happen? Who will make it happen? What is the impact? We should be on the forefront on this development and Transform XO is taking the first steps now while calling for partners. The focus will be on corporate innovation capabilities that can help companies improve on their innovation outcomes (products and services).

6 years

Should We Stop Using the Word Innovation?

Few people know what they mean when they talk about innovation. I’m sorry, but they don’t. They drop the ‘i-bomb’ in meetings and briefs because they’re on a crusade to do something new, cool and trendy, and think sticking the word ‘innovation’ on a chart - often accompanied by a logo of a lightbulb - brings clarity to their aspirations. It brings anything but.

6 years

The Characteristics of Toxic Leadership

Toxic Leadership is characterized by mistreatment of subordinates in a corporate structure, resulting in a destructive and harmful working environment. Work is a very integral and important part of our lives. Considering the amount of time the average person spends at work, it becomes like a ‘second home’. So, when relationships at work become difficult, especially with upper management, it is a source of infinite stress and difficulty. You may love your job but you come to hate it because of the unhealthy environment that you are forced into.

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