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4 years

5 Tips for Cutting Costs and Avoiding Losses in Your Business

If you run a business, you're probably always looking for ways to cut down costs and avoid future losses, and if you aren't, you should be.

4 years

8 Building Blocks Successful Leaders Get Right

Traditionally, people were promoted into leadership positions because they were viewed as a top individual contributor, a type-A extrovert, and/or a supremely confident professional.

4 years

How to Boost your Brand Awareness

Marketers, webmasters, and entrepreneurs – all thrive each day to enhance their brand's awareness. 

4 years

Ways to Improve Email Marketing Results Using Other Digital Marketing Channels

As you already know, email is one of the most effective digital marketing tactics available.

4 years

How to Create a Sticky Brand Name

As a brand strategist, I am frequent asked for advice on naming a business or a product. 

4 years

The Rise and Fall of Communication Apps Popularity during Lockdown

As the population is endeavouring to recover and contain the COVID-19 pandemic, people are being forced to work and socialise far more innovatively then they’ve likely ever had to do so before in their lives.

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