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5 years

Inflexion Point, October 2019

Even Women Think Men are More Creative One of the most fiercely debated questions is that on gender differences in creativity, and a significant volume of research suggests that men are 'perceived' to be more creative than women. Creativity, in a general sense of work and profession, is mostly associated with 'agentic' traits, such as boldness, risk taking and independence, which by (genetic) design, women mostly demonstrate to a lesser extent. These biases have far reaching consequences on the way women are given responsibilities at the workplace and the overall motivation and mental well-being. Remember, men are just 'perceived' to be creative. (Source: HBR)

5 years

How Often Do Doctors Misdiagnose?

We tend to revere our clinicians as towering experts in their fields. So how often do you think doctors misdiagnose? How often might your doctor tell you that you have some illness or condition, but it's not right? For example, a doctor might diagnose the flu, but the patient really has something much more serious - like Lyme Disease.

5 years

The Most Important Upgrades Every Homeowner Should Consider  

It is common for new homeowners to map out what upgrades and renovations they plan on making soon after going to closing.

5 years

Running a Business - The 3 Vital Business Departments

What do you think of when you think of the term ‘business?’

5 years

Is Your Business Failing? Here is How to Turn Things Around

Being in the business world can be tough going. Especially when things don’t seem to be going as smoothly as you like. The main thing that can be hard to notice or admit at times, is that the problem could lie with you. Sometimes having the passion for your business doesn't shine through in other areas that require your attention. This is where businesses can fail. But that doesn't have to be the end of the story. 

5 years

Can Leaders Be Replaced By Computers?

When was the last time you have made an important decision? For a lot of people, decisions have become a challenge of the past. At least when it comes to non-emotional decisions. Indeed, tools such as Google AdWords can make marketing campaign improvement recommendations based on the data captured by the web marketing solution. Individuals who gamble online – or join the National Lottery, for instance – are familiar with the random feature that can play on your behalf. When you don’t know what to choose, there’s already a digital tool available that can take away the pressure of the decision process. 

5 years

How To Save Money In Your Business

Money in business is essential to take control of. There have been too many businesses that have come and gone because they’ve not been able to look after their finances. So with that in mind, here’s how to save money in your business.

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