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6 years

Design Thinking is not about Design, it's about Thinking

Design thinking, a term first referred to by famous Nobel Laureate - Herbert Simon, and popularised by David Kelley, the founder of Ideo, has gained a significant currency in corporate and academic worlds alike. Having taken courses on design thinking at campuses like ISB Hyderabad, IIM Bangalore and a couple others, and with over 30 corporate workshops later, I am increasingly getting convinced that design thinking is not (at all) about design.

6 years

Get More and Better Ideas with the Gestures Icebreaker

It is well known that our physiology can affect our psychology. If our posture is more positive then our thinking is more positive. 

6 years

How Gamification Can Alter Our Behavior

During this unique period of technology-driven transformation, the education sector has so far been slow to embrace the power of digital tools that can be used to accelerate learning. Spending time, energy and money protecting and defending conventional teaching methods only postpones the inevitable and keeps the transformative power of digital disruption, when used wisely, from taking training and education to a new level of success.

6 years

Web Design Best Practices that Ruled 2018

A website is the best marketing channel for any business in today’s digital era. It is the reflection of your business in the online world. 

6 years

Pros and Cons of PPC

Pay per click, aka PPC, is one of the most effective ways to reach an audience that is looking for products or services offered by a business.

6 years

Four Questions for Entrepreneurs

If you are planning a new product or a new business then you will probably need to get some approvals. You might need to raise some finance. In either case you have to convince some sceptical decision makers. Here are four key questions that they will want you to answer:

6 years

Why Modern Leadership is So Hard

In many ways the current beliefs and thinking around leadership seem amazing compared to the leadership beliefs of prior generations.  

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