More in Politics

6 years

Building a Transparent African Development Bank

Transparency is required for realising goals, boosting performance and leveraging impacts of any business operations. This is why transparency is a key element in the operations of the African Development Bank. Efforts at improved operations and efficient systems grounded in transparency are paying off.

6 years

The Brexit Dilemma Set to Continue

A question keeps occurring to me. Why is Brexit being decided along Party Political lines? Brexit is not an ideological issue. It makes no difference whether a voter leans left or right, there are Brexiteers and Remainers on both sides of the divide.

6 years

Brexit: Two Words We Don’t mention

In economics there are certain topics that are close to mythical; one is certainly stagflation and the other, although more a market word, is parity.

6 years

Brexit: Where Do We Go From Here?

Over the past week or so I have read reams of reports and conjecture about the UK’s proposed exit from the EU from publications as widely diverse as the Economist and Private Eye (actually, maybe they aren’t that diverse), political commentators, BBC economic reporters and various hacks and rabid demonstrators on both sides of the argument.

6 years

Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.’s Broader Sociocultural Implications For Hollywood

The Marvel movies have captured much of the public mind in recent years, scoring tens of billions of dollars at the box office and entertaining a wide array of audiences. However except for the occasional break such as “Deadpool,” as well as their recent cliffhanger and dark turns, they’ve largely followed a “happily-ever-after…till the next movie” model that plays to a positive optimism.

6 years

By the people for…..?

By the people for…..? The expression “By the people for the people” is attributed to John Wycliffe (obviously pre-Fugees) who said it in 1384 when talking about the bible.

6 years

Big Data, Bigger Massage

Can we really believe Government data? I have long been a sceptic when it comes to the release of the U.S. employment report on the first Friday of the month.

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