More in Society

1 year

Protecting Children From Vaping

Vaping has become a major public health concern in recent years, especially among young people.

1 year

The Five Definitive Steps Towards Creating an Effective Team Charter

You’re in a never-ending meeting. Other team members are monopolising the airtime.

1 year

Six Things You Need to Do to Ensure Business Transformations Succeed

You’ve invested time, money and effort into a significant business transformation.

1 year

10 Life-Changing TED Talks You Should Watch

TED Talks are typically 18 minutes or less and cover a wide range of subjects, from science and technology to arts and design.

1 year

Useful Pieces of Advice to Run an Effective Sprint Retrospective

Scrum is a project management framework, used mostly in software development; it is also used in research, sales, and marketing.

1 year

Notes from A Strategy for Winning by Carl Mays

Anyone can be a winner, but it's amazing how few people take advantage of their opportunities to succeed.

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