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6 years

Is Wireframing Dead? How Can Its Absence Affect Your Project?

Remember the kindergarten days when you used to get those coloring books with the outlines of pictures to fill color in? So that you would learn the art in a simplified yet systematic way. Wireframing is a lot like that.

6 years

The Robot Future Led By Humans

Can you run a complex algorithm for me that will save me time and make my company more money? Sure, Joe, I will get right on that. This might not be how we interact with artificial intelligence (AI) today, but it may not be far off. The future of work is a growing conversation with a 40% increase on social networks globally with Germans holding a slight edge at a 42% increase. Could the automation of more complex tasks be on the horizon?

6 years

Be Responsible with Money when Starting a Startup

Struggling is a way of life it seems. As I juggle hard every morning through the Delhi traffic to make my way to the startup where I work. I do realize struggles are a part of our life and so are managing your finances. The same applies to the life of an entrepreneur who is nurturing his or her startup.

6 years

6 Free Tools from Google to Improve your Online Business

So, you have successfully set up an online business and you are desperately waiting for people to buy from you. You are constantly looking at the sales report to find that upward spike. There are occasional crests and bows, here and there, but mostly it’s a flat ride home. Well, it’s about time you take the next steps in your journey to a successful business.These steps don’t need you to spend money because the G for generous – Google is here to help. 

6 years

This is Why you Must Consider Open-Source IoT Solutions

IoT brought a wave a new wave of innovation with itself, encouraging developers to use open-source IoT solutions to create ‘smart things’ that stood out of the box.

6 years

Is Communication the Reflection of Our Personality?

Globalization has brought in many changes, especially, in the recent times. The world has become a smaller and closer place, with people migrating across all parts of the world; visiting family, friends, and on work. Technology is another aspect which is linking all of us. And, how we continue to ‘communicate’ in the right manner is most essential, in all these changes.

6 years

Are you Ready for a Digital Revolution?

Technology is the greatest asset for a business today- It's a plain and simple fact. Globalization and the limitless powers of the internet have changed the demographics of business which can cause deep and lasting changes in the ways businesses are done.

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