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7 years

What Makes you a Good Leader

Ever wonder why we have so few really good leaders, be it in business, social organisations or politics? Why is it that year after year, “ grooming / developing next level of leadership” remains one of the top most challenges for CEOs, globally?

7 years

Digital Value-Chain Networking

Every organisation, brand and business irrespective of their size are leveraging digital technology to reach more customers, to solve their problems and most importantly increase their retention. In this fast paced environment, the digital presence of companies is at its peak stage and some firms are even entering a new stage of digital technology through the help of “Digital Value Chain Networking”.

7 years

Thinking Like A Business Owner: Skill and Experience in Finance

Star Wars: Episode IV – A New Hope is the retitled name of the second highest grossing film in the history of movies – the first being E.T. Luke Skywalker was the new hope in the struggle of the Rebel Alliance against the Galactic Empire. The movie was written for the screen by George Lucas as a collection of the science fiction he read and imagined as a twelve-year-old.

7 years

WeChat Vs. LINE Battle Of the Merchandise Stores

A few months ago, WeChat announced that they are partnering with GAP to launch a range of WeChat branded clothing (see picture below). WeChat's first major foray into releasing official branded merchandise. But it seems that this is could just be the beginning of WeChat’s plans to move into more merchandising and there are some big clues that point to WeChat opening their own branded ‘WeStores’ soon.

7 years

Digital Marketing Trends That Will Rule in 2018!

Businesses are leveraging the power of social media, using it at an incredible rate.

7 years

The Digital Transformation of Global Trade

Our traditional view of globalization, common for decades, was massive container ships conveying goods from distant manufacturing locations; and watching services, capital and expertise flow from one from major established commercial and financial city or region to another. Just less than a decade ago, there was a cataclysmic change – a major event, a crisis - that was a precursor to an even greater structural shift.

7 years

Five Lessons from 2017, with Questions for 2018 and Beyond

Let me start by wishing everyone Happy New Year! I was delighted at the traction that my articles have gained over the year. During 2017, I wrote thirty posts. The four most popular were:

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