More in Science

2 years

Reflecting on Future Oncology’s Plain Language Summary of the ARAMIS Study for European Prostate Cancer Awareness Day

Those seeking treatment options for patients who have non-metastatic, castration-resistant prostate cancer will find this plain language summary helpful.

2 years

The Contributions Of Computer Vision In Smart Hospitals

Healthcare has long needed a tool like computer vision to deal with issues that the naked eye or inattentive mind cannot resolve.

2 years

The Role Of Natural Language Processing In Modern Healthcare

Natural language processing (NLP) has applications across several industries.

2 years

Omicron: New Travel Rules Announced & Face Masks Are Now Compulsory In Shops

Early data suggests that Omicron may be more transmissible and vaccines less effective.

2 years

Improving Mental Health with VR and AR

VR and AR can prevent mental health issues by tackling depression, fighting against isolation, and getting rid of phobias.

2 years

COVID Now: Who, and What, Needs a “Boost”?

Once again, we find ourselves in a novel turn of this labyrinthine pandemic experience.

2 years

NASA Launches DART Probe To Divert an Asteroid From Earth

NASA launched this Wednesday a mission to deliberately smash a spacecraft into an asteroid to protect earth and prevent collisions in the future.

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