More in Science

6 years

Where are the Entrepreneurial Lawyers?

I recently found myself in a room filled with in house healthcare lawyers. I was the only doc, let alone physician entrepreneur, there.

6 years

Humanity Faces Homelessness

This column is not about the quotidian variety of homelessness we’ve all encountered in every major city we’ve ever visited. It could be, and arguably even should be. 

6 years

Letters from the Pit: A Book Review

Just around the time Julian Edelman was being handed the MVP trophy, I finished the book, tossed it on the coffee table and took a long swig of my beer. I get sent a lot of books and articles by other physician writers asking for my opinion. It’s kind of an honor, but I often find myself almost always wanting more out of what I’m asked to read.  I want to be moved, entertained and captivated. I don’t want to just read about another diet or political position, or some new movement in health care. I want to feel something.

6 years

Why Your Innovation Initiative Will Fail

There are many reasons why your startup will fail, but the main ones are 1) you create a product or service no one wants to buy, and 2) you do not have a profitable and VAST business model.

6 years

How to Navigate the Four Career Crises

Remember when you were 18 and everyone kept asking about what you're going to do next? At the other end of the spectrum was the mid-life crisis and all those raised eyebrows when you drove up in the Maserati with that person on your arm or you are showing your BFFs your new sleeve tat.

6 years

What's Driving Sick Care ?

The transformation of sick care to health care continues its relentless march. The forces of innovation are not unique to the industry, but, rather pervasive in all industries.

6 years

The Stark, Brutal Violence of the “Non-Violent” Crime

She was conned out of her life savings—perhaps it was a lawyer representing a banker in Togo, or a rich Nigerian benefactor. Perhaps it was someone claiming to be dying from cancer, or a contractor insisting she needed a new roof; perhaps it was promises of incredible returns on investments for a doomed-to-fail startup that sold cell phones or other tech du jour. Perhaps it was Bernie Madoff, or Tim Durham, or dozens of their friends and ilk who partied with them over the years on their hooker-filled junkets in Vegas or turned blind eyes as they huddled around craps tables with them while they knowingly snickered about the rubes.

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