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6 years

How To Switch Careers At Any Age

This week, I celebrate an anniversary of the launch of my second career. A Facebook memory from March 1, 2012 caught my attention earlier in the week. On that day six years ago, I parted ways with a company where I no longer wished to be employed.

6 years

Finding Purpose in an Increasingly Purpose-Driven World

Letting go of an unsatisfying career was a critical part of creating a life without regrets. Finding a purpose was another. Self-help gurus often harp on making your passion your profession. But I have realized along the way: Passion is often overrated. Passion blinds your vision and clouds your judgment. Purpose, on the other hand, drives you to stay relevant and respond faster to rapid changes.

6 years

Dear Recruiters - Stop Asking These Silly Interview Questions!

I find interviews as a great opportunity to learn a lot about myself. With recruiters asking endless questions about your strengths, weaknesses, passions, or skills required for the role etc, it becomes vital for you to dive deep into your personality and be ready to answer any questions that may come under your way to prove your mettle.

6 years

Why I Refuse to be the Office Mom

I refuse to be the office Den Mother. True, I’m perfectly suited for the position: middle-aged, middle manager, generally forgiving, with a deep understanding of my business (corporate communications). Also true: I’m a mother in real life. But of all the roles I’ve played in my career — and after several decades in management consulting, there’ve been several — Den Mother would be the absolute worst.

6 years

Differentiated Teaching Method for Children

The Delhi government has introduced a differentiated teaching method two years ago - something we at Teach For India have already been trying since forever.

6 years

Be Here to Shine

Question: Are you clear and honest about your motivations in everything you do? More and more often I come across people who are existing, not living. They complete tasks, play the game and scrap through the day only to feel unfulfilled, under appreciated and empty. And what I've figured out is that most people are flying blind. No real plan. Going along with the crowd. Doing just enough to get by. And becoming more and more miserable by the day.

6 years

In striking a balance!

The following striking words will make you think of the infinite power of finding a balance. These verses are dedicated to the human spirit of perseverance in spite of the odds!

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