More in Society

5 years

The 7 Big Lies Of Managing Change

During my long career in change, I have worked in almost 20 organisations and come to know hundreds of business leaders and project staff. Here are the seven biggest lies that I have heard most often. They are heard over and over.

5 years

Willful Blindness and Educational Management

The ability to engage in formal operational thinking may be inherent, but the skills necessary to use formal operational thinking must be taught. With up to 45% of our graduates unable to engage in formal operational thinking, we aren’t doing a good job of teaching it. This is what the higher in higher education stands for, higher thinking skills.

5 years

Willful Blindness & Education

Both the education and the higher part of higher education is broken. Research is the only game in town and as that relies more and more heavily on private (read: commercial) funding the research game becomes more and more private (and trivial).

5 years

ConnecTech Wrap Up: Comms Professionals Must Get Ready for 5G and Live Streaming Platforms

If there are two takeaways for disciples of communication from this year's #ConnecTech in Singapore, they are (1) the rise of 5G, and (2) the proliferation of live streaming platforms - with huge implications for communications professionals and their senior leadership teams.

5 years

Vulnerability - The Next Frontier to be Tackled?

As we come out of PRIDE week, it is clear just how far we have come in terms of inclusion/diversity during my working career. That said I also reflect on how far certain workplaces still have to go.

5 years

Is Your Boss Spying On You At Work?

According to research carried out by the Trade Unions Congress (TUC), 56% of UK workers believe that they are monitored by their bosses at work.

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