More in Society

5 years

The Case For Co-Chairs

Earlier this week I attended a conference for current and aspiring non-executive directors (NED). After an opening session which argued that a NED should be a sceptical friend rather than a critical one, there was a panel discussion on diversity. I am afraid to say that it was rather predictable focusing on the explicit, outward signs of diversity and rather ignored other more subtle, but no less important aspects.

5 years

UFOs & the Great Convergence

Even while admitting that one can read almost anything into Nostradamus’ verse, the New York Times once wrote a story suggesting “certain lines are said to have predicted Napoleon’s rise, Hitler’s fall, Hiroshima, the arrival of the Kennedy brothers, the death of Diana, Princess of Wales, and September 11, among hundreds of other events.” 

5 years

Happy Labor Day

Happy Labor Day, recognising that for many, this is not a holiday but a work day. Best wishes for you and yours on Labor Day when we honour all workers.

5 years

Patience is the Key to Your Success

For Aristotle, ‘patience is bitter, but its fruit is sweet'.

5 years

8 Steps to Regulatory Compliance

Repeated conversations are usually an indicator that something is not well understood and not working well. In this case, I have had a number of conversations in the last couple of years around the production and sign-off of “business requirements” in regulatory change.

5 years

In the Client’s Shoes

Having worked in financial services for almost 40 years, I have seen enormous changes in regulation, conduct and attitudes, but only recently have I truly become a client of my own industry as an executor of my late father’s will and as a pension holder nearing retirement needing and being required to take advice.

5 years

It’s Time You Stop Reacting And Start Responding

Facing adversity is inevitable. It is the biggest reality of human life. We all face difficulties in our endeavours—which may seem like a problem, however, they bring opportunities to grow and learn as never before. To be honest, it is up to us how we interpret them. 

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