More in Society

5 years

The Real Reason Why Asian Conference Delegates Don't Ask Questions during Q&A

To answer this question, let's bring to mind a typical conference experience: The brief interactive plenary presentation is nearing its climax, a focused audience of conference delegates has keenly taken in the handful of highly-engaging visual materials and is waiting with baited breath to hear the expert speaker's conclusion. When the invitation to ask questions comes, a dozen hands shoot up urgently and implore the emcee to hear theirs first.

5 years

3 Kinds Of Employee You Should Fire Immediately

Being a manager or business owner takes a lot of your time and effort. And there's no way you can do it all. That's why you hire a team of capable professionals to help you run the organization like a well-oiled machine. Once you’ve brought the best people in your team, it almost seems like everything is going to be just fine—but it's not. 

5 years

A Resurgence Of Excellence?

Coincidences set my synapses firing and on Sunday I was triggered while multitasking at breakfast. As well as eating I was catching up on Sky's "Master of Photography" and browsing The Sunday Times.

5 years

Why are Modern Financial Regulations So Complex?

Dear Mr Financial Regulator, I don't ask much but please can you start giving out accessible versions of your published regulations, guidelines etc. It would save me and the industry countless lost man days of unnecessary effort.

5 years

When Anything and Everything​ lead to Nothing

I would love a £1 for every time someone has asked for help or advice in finding work as a contractor or consultant and their CV or LinkedIn profile lets them down.

5 years

Shall We Dance? The Brexit Ritual

Over the years I have been on many training courses, but few really stick in my memory. One that does concerned the art of negotiation. The course was in the '80s when Henry "Hank" Calero, sadly no longer with us, was already over 70 years old. He was a renowned negotiator who shared the insight and knowledge gained from many tough negotiations in a number of books.

5 years

No Mobile Phone, No Internet, No Email, No Spreadsheet!

Just imagine you woke up tomorrow and you had none of the above. How would you work? How would you live?

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