More in Society

5 years

The Secret To Becoming A Better Manager Is Out!

No one said management was going to be easy. Whether you are a newly promoted manager or an experienced one, being in that position of authority is going to make you feel like jumping out of a plane without a parachute. 

5 years

Masterful Management! Here's What It Takes

When I describe management as masterful, I am simply referring to a bold and successful management approach during which managers, aka masterful managers, behave in a way that shows that they are in ultimate control of a whole situation and are capable of coaching or telling teams what to do. 

5 years

Why Not Right Size Colleges? Businesses Do It All the Time

There have been recent articles about the merger (some say closure) of Marlboro College in VT with Emerson College in Boston. Basically, Marlboro is giving its campus and endowment to Emerson in return for faculty preservation (Marlboro faculty who want to move to teach at Emerson) and a center with its name at Emerson. Many folks in VT are upset and see this as the “end” of Marlboro; they are not wrong in many senses. They have been reflecting on and suggesting other approaches.

5 years

The Edgar Baby Dragon Craze: Why It’s a Good Thing

England has always had a connection to dragons; it goes back centuries. This year, the John Lewis advert related to the holidays features an endearing young, green dragon named Edgar; he’s captured the hearts of many. The store has even created a stuffed version of Edgar that seems sold-out online.

5 years

Age is Just a Number

I seem to have gone age blind either that or I am delusional!! As some readers will know my father died in early 2018. My mother had died a few years earlier so may father’s passing was the prompt for my brothers and me to start the process dealing with our parents possessions and legacies with all the thoughts and memories that provokes.

5 years

Have You Been Sold a Just So Story?

Are you sitting comfortably? Then I’ll begin. For thousands of years people have used stories to entertain, educate and inform. Stories contain powerful metaphors and images that have a profound effect on how we view the world. And more and more people have been stressing the importance of storytelling in business – whether that be in pitching for business, making a presentation or selling yourself.

5 years

What's Holding Back Women From Top Jobs?

The need for both push and pull if we are to increase gender diversification at senior levels.

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