More in Society

5 years

Buckle up, Here’s Another Excerpt from the French Connection Detective Sonny Grosso’s Memoir

Here’s another excerpt from the fascinating and upcoming memoir, Harlem to Hollywood, My Real-to-Reel Life by French Connection detective Sonny Grosso. Buckle up!

5 years

Project Management for Founders - Framing the Right Objective

So, in my last article, I promised to try and give Founders some practical advice regarding project management. This post is the first piece of that advice, and for that we shall start at the very beginning which, as they say, is a very good place to start.

5 years

The Best Businesses are Built Around Passion

I like to use the word passion a lot. Sometimes, I even use it interchangeably with happiness, excitement, and anticipation.

5 years

What is Success?

The other day I received a mail from the UK LinkedIn team asking, “Everybody has their own version of success; what’s yours?” They were inviting posts and comments that would be linked with #ThisIsSuccess.

5 years

Project Management for Founders – Finding a Happy Medium

As an experienced project and programme manager in organisations big and small I believe I approach the subject with both a healthy scepticism and an understanding of the benefits that can be created.

5 years

Clever Managers Always Set Clear Expectations

Successful leadership is a matter of many discussions—however, there are #LeadershipFacts that stay inarguable. Here’s one: “The best leaders set the pace by their expectations and examples”.

5 years

Should Corporate Communications Officers Act as Spokespeople in the Media?

This question came up in conversation with one of my clients recently. Where do you stand?

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