More in Society

5 years

The Evolution is Upon Us

As many of you know, I recently accepted a role as an Executive Vice President after over 27 years as a top performing, C-suite Executive Assistant. The kudos have been effusive and flowing like water. But, I'll have to admit, they've opened my eyes to something that is pervasive in this industry. Lack of confidence and vision beyond the role.

5 years

Inclusion Over Diversity

I won’t claim this is my call, but it is clearly worth spreading as far as possible. In fact, I first heard it spoken publicly by Sir Kenneth Olisa OBE, The Lord-Lieutenant of Greater London, and I suspect even he was repeating it.

5 years

Waiting for the Bubbles to Burst

I am generally an optimistic person with a positive outlook. Yes, I spot the problems with ideas, but generally, that is in order to find better solutions. What is different now is a background hum in my mind alluding to the bursting of one or more bubbles.

5 years

Why Season 8 of GOT is a Disappointment to Climate Change

Spoiler alert, season 8 of GOT was a disappointment. This of course comes as no surprise, as viewers have been vocally opposed to the many, many downfalls of the latest and final season. The climate change allegory of GOT suffered a similar fate (spoiler alert) as the Knight King was vanquished with one fell swoop of dragon glass.

5 years

If Spurs Win the Champions League, Longtime Fan May Try to Pull a Pacino and Retire

“I walked forty-seven miles of barbed wire, I got a cobra snake for a necktie/A brand new house on the road side, and it's a-made out of rattlesnake hide/Got a band new chimney put on top, and it's a-made out of human skull/Come on take a little walk with me baby, and tell me who do you love?/Who do you love?/Who do you love?” — Who do you Love by Legendary Bo Diddley

5 years

When Heads Collide, Teamwork Works

There is no greater weapon in an organisation's arsenal than a great team. To genuinely achieve success, it is necessary for an organisation to embrace teamwork and the Power of We. However, the process of getting a group of people to work together towards a common goal isn’t always easy.

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