More in Society

5 years

Trauma Surrounds Us: Time to Deal

It is clear to me, particularly in light of the most recent and tragic shooting on a campus -- UNC-Charlotte -- that we need to do more than provide improved security and early detection of threats, although we surely need to do that. We need to address trauma. This is suggested in an article in the Chronicle of Higher Education today. The Chronicle piece notes trauma preparedness but also notes the effects of trauma post event and its wave-like nature, recurring with new triggers. Valuable observations and the link here.

5 years

How to Lead Like Your Favorite Marvel Superheroes

More than 10 years and 18 movies, Marvel studios have given us some epic stories, characters, and films. Along with heavy doses of entertainment, these movies have also moved the audience in one way or the other.

5 years

REJEX: For Anyone Who’s ever felt like an Outsider or been Bullied, You are not Alone...and there’s Help!

I’m excited to introduce my new novel, REJEX, which uses a fantasy platform to talk about “David vs Goliath” clashes going on today: technology vs humanity; big government and corporations vs individuals; and, increasingly, various bullies vs innocent victims.

5 years

The Black Hole Image, Katie Bouman, Teamwork: How are These 3 Related?

April 10, 2019, was a historic day when the world finally got to see the first ever image of the black hole. The image showed a flaming yellow and black ring captured by eight telescopes, together called the Event Horizon Telescope. 

5 years

Learning about College Admissions from Chris Russo

We can learn a lot actually by thinking deeply about the college admissions scandal. It shines a light on privilege, elite colleges and universities, the realities of what it takes (and who it takes) to get into an elite institution, the value of fame and connections, the role of money, the importance of pre-school, paid tutoring and the list goes on.

5 years

Admissions Side Door: Money Badly Spent

So, folks have always wanted to get the real scoop on how students get into (or do not get into) elite colleges. Part of that story has been revealed recently through the Harvard litigation surrounding how students (particularly minority students) are selected. And now we have the admissions fraud of all frauds: payoffs to folks inside institutions to get students into elite colleges/universities as well as designated test takers. And, one of the key pathways is the oddest of all: payoffs to coaches to bring in non-athletes --- that is not a typo. (Don't ask me about the NCAA in all this please.)

5 years

The Consequences of Lecturing: The Science of Learning

There are too many of you reading this article without reading the article that lays out what the evidence says about lecturing as a learning event. I would strongly recommend taking a few minutes to read the evidence article before reading the consequences article.

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