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5 years

Sadhguru’s 10 Practical Tips for Success

“With the source of creation ignited within you, you are a powerful source of creation...Now, visualize three things you want to accomplish: one, a short term vision, something you want to accomplish within the next two months; second, a mid term vision, something you want to accomplish in the next two to three years; and then a long term vision, something that you want as a life’s accomplishment. Now, visualize your first vision. Create a vivid positive image of your vision in your mind, and see it being accomplished...” – Meditation guided by Sadhguru

5 years

An A+ Punishment for Felicity and Others: Create Cy Pres Awards

Those pleading guilty in the college admissions scandal can donate large sums of money to a cy pres fund that benefits low income kids and the non-elite small colleges that serve them.

5 years

It's Time to Empower Millennials

I'm #teammillennial. Unabashedly. Yes, I'm a GenXer, but unlike many in my generation, I relate to, coach and mentor "the millennials" on the regular. And I like it...and them.

5 years

How to Manage Millennial Employees

Millennials generally are born in the 1980s and mid-1990s, which includes those who graduated before the great recession, those during the recession and the post-recession graduates.

5 years

Transparency in the Workplace

The concept of transparency at work is more popular now than ever. In my previous posts, I’ve talked about stuff like teamwork, goal setting, success, and more that are the basic building blocks of a successful organization. But it is said that leadership transparency is becoming a high call in every workplace. And I know many leaders who struggle with the same—bringing transparency in leadership. 

5 years

Go Around

I have to admit. I'm a little disappointed with the world right now. Lies. Deceit. Spin. Complicity. No bueno. The curse of growing up in a different generation (I'm turning 50 this July) and being raised, predominantly, by my grandparents is that I was taught and adopted a set of morals and standards based on old ideals like truth, integrity, respect for elders, and respectful greetings like "Pardon me," and "Yes, sir/ma'am" and those dinosaurs "Please," and "Thank You." They were, are, and will always be the cornerstone of how I interact with my fellow man and I will always assume the good in people FIRST until they prove otherwise. I'm sure this is why I have a therapist on speed dial and an appointment every Tuesday morning to talk through the aforementioned disappointment with the world from the previous week.

5 years

Is Artificial Intelligence Worth the Hype?

So I just completed (and graduated!) AI guru Andrew Ng's AI for Everyone course on Coursera. I liked it. A lot. It answered many of the lingering questions I had about AI like when the rocketship will land, and when we should plan for complete annihilation by the little green men with those sweet phaser guns and no clothes on. Wait. Wrong cartoon. When we can expect these hundreds of millions of jobs worldwide to be stolen by AI inducing mass hysteria, blocks-long bread lines, insurmountable hipster unemployment, and a digital apocalypse that forces us all back to the safety of those Princess rotary phones to avoid mass hackery by "them bots." I can say, unequivocally, calm TF down. It's not that deep...yet.

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