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3 years

Reinventing Experience Management for Next-Gen Customer Expectations

As businesses navigate their digital transformation journey, a delightful experience is no more just a buzz phrase.

3 years

Starting A Business? Here Are Some Useful Tips

Starting a business is a big step in anyone's life. It takes time, patience, and dedication to make it work.

3 years

How To Grow A Brand With a Small Budget?

It’s common to dismiss a brand when you have a small budget.

3 years

How Google Uses Machine Learning

Google implements machine learning (ML) to suggest new products, detect images, improve recommendations and provide users a personalized experience.

3 years

Time to Think and Act Differently for Business and Societal Good! IBM’s Think UK and Ireland Showcase

From hard-to-reach parts of the ocean to experiments in space and democratising access to educational uplift opportunities, technology is the catalyst to push new boundaries and further, to take down boundaries where these should no longer exist!

3 years

How to Improve Your Office Space: Optimising Productivity at Work

Returning to the office looks uncertain with the aftermath of national lockdowns forcing us to get comfortable working from home.

3 years

True Disruption Often Leads to Invention, but So Does Anticipation

Picture this: You start a small business by making a change to a preexisting product that completely reinvents that product.

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