More in Companies

6 years

Here's How Blockchain Will Reshape The Engagement Economy

Technology is offering groundbreaking new opportunities for ambitious businesses – but outstanding design and a sharp focus on the customer are what will set brands apart in the years to come.

6 years

4 Email Phrases You Should Never Use at Work

According to workplace etiquette experts, there are 4 common phrases that we use in emails that can be detrimental to your reputation... are you committing these career crimes?

6 years

Why and how should I listen to my customers?

You are asking your customers to part with their hard-earned money.

6 years

Great Leaders Commit Themselves to the Long Haul

“If Sunbeam can’t be fixed in a year, it can’t be fixed,” said Al “The Chainsaw” Dunlap as he entered the board room. At the time, Dunlap had a reputation for turning businesses around that were performing poorly. Previously, he had helped increase earnings and stock prices at Scott Paper by cutting a third of the workforce and closing plants.

6 years

Simple Things People Use to Judge if You are a Good Leader

Ever since I was a little kid I have been guilty of taking a hard (but brief) judgmental head to toe look of people I meet. I don’t have a good reason for this behavior and can’t even pinpoint what I am looking for. At one point I didn’t even know I was doing it until it was brought to my attention by others. What’s interesting is, I still can’t seem to stop. I have come to the conclusion that it’s because we are all hardwired to judge whether we like it or not.  

6 years

Inflexion Point - Part 5

Welcome back to Inflexion Point, the monthly on the insightful research and practical developments from the domains of innovation, creativity, and strategy.

6 years

India, Germany and Intellectual Property

While product piracy is a common phenomenon, it is spreading widely with more and more countries industrializing. B2B platforms and e-commerce are making it easier to sell counterfeit products, and difficult to catch the thieves.

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