More in Society

4 years

How Philosophy Helps Society Come to Grips With the COVID-19 Pandemic?

It is not often society is forced to a standstill—our routines and norms have been shaken up like ice in a glass.

4 years

The Three A's of a Parent Child Relationship: Appreciation, Acknowledgment & Acceptance

It is very important for a parent to listen to your child. His/her life evolves with three important aspects:

4 years

Flavors of Friendship

Last few weeks (Thanks to the current global pandemic), I have had the opportunity to re-connect with many of my old and long lost friends.

4 years

Have You Invested in these Basics? | Weekly Reflections

Anyone wise and who wished me well always said “Get the Basics Right”.

4 years

Choosing the Best Pistol Case for Your Needs

Every gun owner knows that it is their responsibility to keep their weapon secured in a safe place when not in use so that it doesn’t fall into the hands of an unauthorized person.

4 years

Parenting and Child's Creativity

My conversation with a 8 year old in one of my TED-Ed clubs.

4 years

UFOs Watching as the Earth Stands Still

“With these new reports there is no longer any doubt that we are NOT alone...”

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