More in Society

2 years

“A Shy Guest at the Feast of the World’s Culture”

As the managing editor of an academic journal, inhabiting the broader universe of academia, I am continually stunned by how much people know about their given subject of choice.

2 years

Impressionable Legacy Messaging

As famously said by Maya Angelou: "If you're going to live, leave a legacy. Make a mark on the world that can't be erased."

2 years

Making Life Better for Your Aging Parent: 7 Helpful Tips

Your parents do everything for you from the day you are born.

2 years

Which Beverages Are Excellent For Your Coworkers Or Employees?

There are many office beverages that can be enjoyed by coworkers or employees.

2 years

7 Ways to Make Your Home More Attractive to Buyers

Buying a home is both an emotional and financial decision, so you should strive to make the look and feel of your house attractive to potential homebuyers.

2 years

When She Looked Away, Did You Think She Stopped Listening?

You were having an intense conversation with a woman you met at a networking event when she began to shift her gaze from your face to look around the room.

2 years

What Kind Of Equipment Is Needed For A Hairdressing Salon?

If you are considering opening a salon and are wondering what supplies you'll require, you have come to the right spot.

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