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6 years

8 Tools a Writer Can’t Do Without in Today’s World

I have started writing this article with firm belief that you will find it useful and interesting, both. The reason behind this faith is my own experience, efforts, thorough research and all other essential ingredients that I use to prepare perfect recipes of articles.

6 years

The Circular Economy: Does China set an example for the West?

It is simplistic to consider innovation as the simple launch of a new product or service on the market to increase the profits of an organisation. The essence of innovation is to resolve problems – it means taking action to survive. As such, the emergence of the circular economy can be considered as an innovation of processes with a clear objective to keep our ecosystem alive.

6 years

How to Hire a Rockstar Executive Assistant

Clearly, we need to start from scratch. So throw everything you think you know about recruiting top tier Executive Assistants out the window. Execs: Stop using all of the Mad Men, Ballers, and Entourage episodes as a reference. Grab a Diet Coke, the iPad and Apple Pen your previous EA bought you, and get ready to scribble. EAs: Pay close attention, here. Some of you have some work to do as well. Let's begin.

6 years

Science of Learning: Using Marks or Grades

The question of whether we should use marks, ranging from 0 – 100, or grades, usually A+ to F is a topic that often vexes teachers and can lead to heated discussions. There is scientific evidence that speaks to the topic.

6 years

Science of Learning: Lecture Enhancements

Any discussion about lecturing in higher education is bound to become passionate with proponents going to great lengths to defend their practice but with little or no evidence to support their assertions.

6 years

Science of Learning: Self Correction

In education one of the most important aspects of being a teacher is self-reflection. Self-reflection in education is looking at yourself and your practice with the view of considering what you are doing, the effectiveness of what you are doing, and planning what you can do in the future to improve your teaching.

6 years

5 Leadership Lessons to Learn from Steve Jobs

Popularly known as the ‘Father of the Digital World’, Steve Jobs was a legendary figure and a master of innovation. The computer genius revolutionized the tech world in every possible way with his mind-blowing innovations and discoveries.

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