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5 years

Cockiness Gets You Nowhere, Confidence Gets You Everywhere

Henry Ford famously said, "Whether you think you can or think you can't, you are right." 

5 years

Why Bitcoin Is So Exciting

There has always been a lot of mystery surrounding Bitcoin - where do you buy it? Can you still spend it? What do you do with it when you have it? But that is part of why it is so exciting. 

5 years

Marketing Basics All Businesses Need to Understand

You might have a fantastic business idea, but without the right marketing techniques you simply won't reach enough customers for your company to succeed.

5 years

Life Lessons from the Ocean

I remember the morning vividly. It was early, a nice off-shore breeze was making the waves sit up nicely. I was a long way back from the ocean and I could still see the waves curling over and peeling off to the right...these waves were big.

5 years

Protecting Your Small Business: A Checklist

Being an entrepreneur or small business owner is both challenging and exciting. There are so many advantages to running a small business, but there are also certain risks associated with operating a business that should be planned for.

5 years

Why You're Not Making Money with Your Personal Brand

This has become one of my favorite topics to talk about in the last few months. Because there is so much fluff out there when it comes to personal branding. So I just want to dive right into it. Here are a handful of mistakes that I made when I first started and things that I wish I knew when it comes to making money with my personal brand.

5 years

How Measuring Sales Velocity Will Accelerate Growth

"I don’t have enough leads". Sound familiar? How often do you hear this excuse from your salespeople? It’s pretty common for sales strategies to fixate on the number of opportunities won or lost. But what if I told you that your team could do 30% better than they are today with their existing pipeline? How? By focusing on the four elements of the sales velocity equation.

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