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5 years

Want To Display Your Art In Your Office? Avoid These Common Mistakes

The great thing about owning your own office space is the fact that you can be completely creative. Because your space is a blank canvas, you can decorate it however you want. For many people, the idea of buying art and hanging on the walls will send shivers down their spine. There is nothing quite like stamping your creative authority on an office and really turning it into somewhere you can feel comfortable and productive. However, while art is an entirely subjective process, it is essential to avoid the common mistakes that everyone makes. So, when it comes to displaying your taste in art, consider the following things:

5 years

Today’s CTO: The Chief Transformation Officer

In the past, I suggested that the role of the CIO needs to shift from that of a Chief Information Officer to a Chief Innovation Officer, largely due to the rapid, multiple technology-driven transformations that are always occurring. But just as the CIO’s role needs to change, so too does the CTO’s role—from Chief Technology Officer to Chief Transformation Officer. This shift is necessary in order to maintain and elevate the position’s relevance within the organization. There is less of a need for merely understanding information and technology, and a much greater requirement of leaders to be anticipatory in regard to innovation and transformation.

5 years

How Is Business Wisdom Best Applied?

There are millions upon millions of business owners out there, running all kinds of operations. Large, small, international, within a village, at a loss, at a profit, you name it. All of the possibilities of industrial life are considered and likely demonstrated. All variation of corporations influencing the state and the state influencing corporations can be present depending on what country you occupy at the time.

5 years

Listen to your Staff to Grow your Business

Scaling a business isn’t easy. It takes effort, dedication and a systematic approach. You need to adopt new ways of working, approaching these with consistency and repetition until they become habits. That’s why the Rockefeller checklist is so useful – it provides a blueprint for growth. 

5 years

Are you a Remote-Controlled Leader?

I remember the day of December 4th, 2002 when something inside of me as a leader had changed. Just three months earlier, I had mustered the courage to submit my resignation letter to my immediate boss.

5 years

What’s So Powerful about Storytelling?

Story is having a moment. It’s reached such buzzword status to the point where you’d think it was a newfangled, innovative, novel concept. But story is as old as is our species. And when companies use story to bond with their audience, they are tapping into the way that our brains are wired to connect.

5 years

Trends That Impact The Construction Industry

The construction industry will always be exciting. It changes and evolves to meet the needs of businesses, politics, and people. There have been some significant movements of focus on things like sustainability and green energy. Technology has impacted the industry too. Many of the trends will continue to make the construction industry stronger and more efficient - but that doesn’t mean they won’t be difficult to implement, or that they won’t take time to adjust. Uncertainty is also an issue that City Hire discussed recently - political climates and changes can be far-reaching. 

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