More in Society

6 years

The Secret of Judging

Oftentimes when we say that we are judging someone, we think that we are doing something wrong. 

6 years

Circumstantial Pawns

Most people go through their lives reacting to the circumstances that they find themselves in. They are unaware of why things happen to them and, as expected because of the fundamental attribution error. This basic psychological state tells us that if bad things happen to you, it is bad luck, whereas if good things happen to you it is because of your brilliant choices. On the other hand, if bad things happen to me (Jesse) it is because of my poor choices, whereas if good things happen to me it is because of my good luck.

6 years

Self-Help Books are Great but What To Do When the Going Gets Tough?

So, when the going does get tough, author G. Brian Benson suggests practicing some of these habits: Laugh, Go for a Walk, Clear Out and Clean Up, Be of Service. Be Kind, Be Vulnerable, Happily Expect the Unexpected, Attitude of Gratitude, and, Hang in There!

6 years


The transition through the fourth industrial revolution is leading to significant upheaval in the lives of millions of people already and will effect tens of millions more over the next few years. Based on the needs of some of the largest businesses in the world, although tens of millions of people will find themselves lacking the skillset necessary to prosper in the coming years (75,000,000), there will be 130,000,000+ new openings for people with the skill sets needed to work effectively in the early fourth industrial age.

6 years

6 Things To Do Become a Successful Manager

In my early days at ProofHub, I’ve had that feeling of being a ‘bad manager’. I was disturbed by the unusual state of self-doubt — “Am I falling into the category of doing things that describes a bad manager?”

6 years

7 Steps to Create a Successful Life

Life becomes more meaningful when each day is spent chasing a purpose. Something that makes you jump out of your bed with joy and excitement. If that’s how you kickstart your morning, you are already successful in my eyes.

6 years
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