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6 years

Insider or Outsider — Who Makes a Better CEO?

Ever wondered why many large organisations bring in external CEOs despite claiming they have built capable leaders from within to succeed? Or why some opt to promote only internally? And why certain founders refuse to let go the reins despite the organisation being stagnant?

6 years

The Surprising Thing Richard Branson Looks for in Leaders

As I sat across the table watching the man talk, I could physically see his mouth moving, but my mind wouldn't allow me to listen anymore. I had heard all I needed to hear after 20 minutes of what felt like an echo of "I's" and the importance of the almighty dollar. Truth be told, I had high hopes going into the meeting because I knew what he had accomplished as a entrepreneur and businessman. Unfortunately, he left me disappointed, thinking, "Just because you are a good in business doesn't mean you are a good leader."

6 years

4 Dilemmas You Have to Overcome to Be a Better Leader

It didn't take long for a new employee to ask the question, "Why do we even have Quarterly Business Reviews? No one likes them and most people feel worse about themselves when they are over." It caught me off guard because I expected the question from a long standing team member, but not from a newbie. I paused and thought, "Do I defend our QBR's to the death, stop them immediately, or evaluate their format and/or delivery method?"

6 years

Digital Marketing Strategy Ideas for Startups

There is nothing more exciting than launching a startup. It’s a unique experience altogether when you get to work on an idea and turn it into a reality.

6 years

Why Information Is No Longer Enough

Take a moment and think about a recent conversation you had that was rewarding and useful. You likely had a lot to say, as did everyone else involved. There was a lot of back and forth as everyone took their time to express their opinions while giving others the chance to share their insights.

6 years

7 Signs You Have an Outstanding Leader

After surveying thousands of organizational leaders, interviewing hundreds of leaders on the "Follow My Lead" Podcast and being a true student of leadership for many years, it's beyond evident to me there is an upper echelon of leaders.

6 years

The Death of the Credit Card - What else will Become Obsolete in the Next Decade?

Bob Dylan once sang "the times they are a changin" and given that we live in exponential times this has never been more true. A recent report by 'think tank' RethinkX suggests 5 everyday products or services that will gradually become as extinct as the dinosaurs.

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