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6 years

Learning from Mistakes

If you have heard the phrase that “we learn from our mistakes” you may wonder why mistakes are unacceptable in schools. The very places that we go to learn.

6 years

Measuring the Confidence Index of Women Employees

Organization policies that were developed keeping a male workforce in mind, a societal mindset of considering men as sole bread winners and women as the care takers, considering women to be more emotional and not suited to take up leadership roles have all resulted in women not being considered for CXO positions. It's time organizations start looking at gender diversity as a key strategic business driver.

6 years

3 Ways Chatbots Are Revolutionizing Customer Experience In Content Marketing

A recent Grand View research report states the global chatbot market is expected to reach $1.23 Bn by 2025 ushering in a chatbot revolution. The evolution of chatbots along with an extraordinary growth of messaging applications has created an opportunity for the marketing team to save costs while deliveringbetter experience. Here are three ways chatbots can be leveraged by brands to improve their content marketing strategies and meet evolving customer needs.

6 years

What's Wrong with Universities?

We know that the vast majority of students go into higher education to get a qualification. But there are other reasons as well that have nothing to do with learning.

6 years

Technology and Content Marketing

Personalized marketing or one to one marketing has taken the world by storm, and hyper-personalization is now the expected, even demanded norm, especially by millennia and generation Z.

6 years

Don't Pitch, Provide Value

My relationship with the media has been complicated. As a former editor for newspapers and magazines I understand the importance of having great sources and also getting slammed with spammy PR pitches. However, in the past I have fallen into the same trap that I despised as an editor myself. Sending out crappy PR pitches in hopes of getting my brands some media coverage. I am not a natural pitch artist.

6 years

Educational Malpractice

Educational institutions have long been shielded from malpractice suits because courts have been reluctant to hear cases for a number of reasons. The original ruling that this is based on was made almost 50 years ago, and much has changed in both education and litigation.

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