More in Society

4 years

The Edgar Baby Dragon Craze: Why It’s a Good Thing

England has always had a connection to dragons; it goes back centuries. This year, the John Lewis advert related to the holidays features an endearing young, green dragon named Edgar; he’s captured the hearts of many. The store has even created a stuffed version of Edgar that seems sold-out online.

4 years

Age is Just a Number

I seem to have gone age blind either that or I am delusional!! As some readers will know my father died in early 2018. My mother had died a few years earlier so may father’s passing was the prompt for my brothers and me to start the process dealing with our parents possessions and legacies with all the thoughts and memories that provokes.

4 years

Have You Been Sold a Just So Story?

Are you sitting comfortably? Then I’ll begin. For thousands of years people have used stories to entertain, educate and inform. Stories contain powerful metaphors and images that have a profound effect on how we view the world. And more and more people have been stressing the importance of storytelling in business – whether that be in pitching for business, making a presentation or selling yourself.

4 years

What's Holding Back Women From Top Jobs?

The need for both push and pull if we are to increase gender diversification at senior levels.

5 years

Giving Karma A Nudge

I have long had the attitude that I will help others on Linkedin if I can reasonably do so. This is usually about advice or making introductions, sometimes it is meeting and listening. My wife has often questioned why I do it and I say that while there is often no obvious direct benefit to me, I believe that Karma will balance out and that when I need help it will find me.

5 years

How the Circles Complete Themselves

Recently efinancial news reported on changes made by the new heads of tech at Goldman Sachs. Within this they reported that Marco Argenti was “asking Goldman's engineers to stop communicating their ideas in the form of PowerPoint presentations and to adopt the sorts of 'narrative memos' used at Amazon instead.” Argenti is looking to his teams to “to start with the customer and to consider their problem or opportunity. Begin with their most important benefit, what they want and what their experience will be like. Write as crisply and precisely as possible and use simple and concrete language. Be objective, factual and humble.”

5 years

10 Places a Lime Scooter Took Me in Berlin

On June 18th, Lime launched scooters in Berlin and I was there to support the team. It was one of the most exhilarating and exciting times of my professional career. I had never been to Berlin, I was meeting new teammates, and I got to scoot everywhere.

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